|| Grown within the desert of thoughts MMXI anno Bastardi.
|| Sinistrum || Godless and Parasite; not Profane. || Freedom
breeding Madness || Causa Lunatica || Poison of God ||
Vermin embodied within [Sub]Concious Mind || Crown of the
[Wh]orthodox || D[r]ead, [A]Void, [T]Error : Repeat
|| Post- Traumatic Stress Euphoria. || Sunyata ||
|| The Love for Fear Turning to Hate || Concrete-Baptizm through filth - Transzendenz durch Dekadenz || Cut HIS Signs into
your Flesh || Devour the Dead || Abandon the Lies Within Hope
or Faith || Speak of Me not at All for I am continual ||
Chasek || Sacred Qliphotic Pollution || Supremacy to the low Multiverse of Masks // Beyond Reasoning and Doubt. || 72
|| 11 || Thou may be blessed by the glorious
Embrace of Decay, Destruction, and Suffering :
grow strong from it || Veritas [- Novus -{Gnosis
(I) Chaos, (0) Emptiness and Darkness (I) // Reigning with Honour and Tyranny \\ || Destroy your Ego in Order to
Worship Satan. ||
Agios o SML
Agios o LVTHN
Agios o BLL
Agios o LXFR
Alles Heil Moloch.
Causa Lunatica
(Sirius Limited Esoterica; 66 Copies on CD)
(Spanish Review; Music Swept Away the Colours Webzine)
I. Baphomet[All]
II. Panzersarg
III. Saraf Adonai
IV. Yetzer Ha Ra
V. Zu Ehren Molochs
VI. Snakespine
VII. Staubstumm
VIII. Adonai Samael
III - Jung, doch alle Hoffnung abgetrieben
(Qliphot Records 2013; 32 Copies on Tape)
Review in French (Chroniques de Béon)
I. Introitus
II. Snakespine
III. In der Sanduhr erstickt
Sar Suma
(Qliphot Records 2012; 100 Copies on Tape)
Review in French (Chroniques de Béon)
I. Baphomet(All)
II. Nachzehrer
III. Panzersarg
IV. Fragment 11
V. Yetzer Ha´Ra
VI. Zu Ehren Molochs
VII. Clamavi De Profundis
VIII. Saraf Adonai Samael
Der Splitterscherge
(Smell the Stench/Parkbench Records 2011;
24 Copies on Mini- Disk)
I. Baphomet(All)
II. Fragment 11
III. Zerrspiegel