
Khaomega was raised as Black Metal project from Nordan (Songwriting, Guitars, Bass, Drumcomputer) and Frater Epitheton (Vocals) in 2011. We wanted to create some experimental tunes together and after three years of working on material, we finished the songs for our first demotape "Nervenkrieg", which was later released through Narbentage Produktionen in a quantity of 100 copies. The music we made under this banner was strongly punched by Nordan´s extremely focused guitar work. The lyrics of  "Nervenkrieg" contain a very personal note, and reflect difficult times. I was experiencing back then, and I was only intending to release ´em because those days are gone now, hopefully for a long time. "Rex Omega" and "Gedankensphäre" i.E deal with shattered future plans and self- destruction"Lastvieh" on the other hand with anger and frustration.


Khaomega was only found on the private contact of Nordan and me throughout several years and countless beers they were attented with. 

Due to the fact that Nordan takes distance to metal in general currently while developing himself beyond musical borders, there will be no more works of this project, so I decided to include the last three rehearsal songs we worked on into a split with B.S.o.D/Grausamkeit titled "Anfahrt Liegend Kranke". For me it is the most appreciate way to mark the Omega of this project, since the collaboration with Grausamkeit also consists of a conversation B.S.o.D and I had shortly before imprisonment.  



  • Tracklist:

    I.      Intro-Okkultes Blut [Grausamkeit]
    II.    Satan's Hass [Grausamkeit]
    III.  Schwefel [Grausamkeit]
    IV.   Freude am töten [Grausamkeit]
    V.    Journey in the Abyss [Grausamkeit]
    VI.  Kein N-tkommen [Grausamkeit]

    VII.  Khaomega [Khaomega]
    VIII. [Z]Ehrfurcht [Khaomega]
    IX.    Micama! Goho pe-IAD [Khaomega]




  • Saarland Black Metal Sampler II

    (Narbentage Produktionen 2015; 111 Boxes with two Tapes)

- Tape I -
A :

I.     Karnifex [Dethroned]
II.   MaledictusS [Old Pagan]
III.  Northern Hate [Northern Hate]
IV.   Blutgemälde [Svarog]
V.     Des Teufels Legat [Black Winterblood]
VI.    Carelian Satanist Madness [Serpent Empire]
VII.  The Return of the Black Majesty [As Light Becomes Shadow]
VIII. Wolfszeit [Scatach]
IX. The Cult Of Seirizziim [Moloch]

B :

I.     Was bleibt [Klingsor]
II.    Weinend im Regen sterbend [Stardust]
III.   Die Säulen der Vergänglichkeit [GegenLicht]
IV.    Ein dunkler Ort [Nidahl]
V.      Hinab vom Lichte [Nýr Gata]
VI.    Legt die Ketten nieder [Neocortex]
VII.  Erwachen [Immorior]
VIII. Return [Erakko]

- Tape II -
A :

I.     Ode an den Hochwald [Nordfrost]
II.    Nahetal [Nelandhir]
III.   In der Schänke [Yarr]
IV.    Khamûl (Schatten des Ostens) [Carn Dûm]
V.      Trostlos [Widuz]
VI.    Sick Occult Shit [Pestkult]
VII.   Spearhead of Wrath [Verderben]
VIII. Release [At-Mortem]

B :

I.     Abyssal Mouth of Inferno [Abstract Death]
II.    Sturmpanzer [Bunkerkrieg]
III.  Gedankensphäre [Khaomega]
IV.   The Second Time You Die [Ravenfrost]
V.     Stemmen Fra Taarnet [Geyst]
VI.   Schicksalsfaden [Birkabein]
VII.  Fading Rays of Gray [Black Candle]
VIII. Niederkunft [Thodtgehoelz]
IX.    Follow My Path into Eclipse [Fluch der Zerstörung]

  • Nervenkrieg

    (Narbentage Produktionen 2014; 100 Copies on Tape)

     I.   Rex Omega
     II.  Gedankensphäre
     III. Tiamat
     IV.  Paralyse
     V.    Lastvieh
     VI.  Cantos Seditionis (Nagelsturm Cover)