Shells of Edom


  • Shattered Human Masquerade

    Split with Ho Ophis (GER)

    (Noctivagant 2014; 149 Copies on CD)

     Review in Spanish; Lux Atenea

    Review in English (Heathen Harvest)



    I.    Face to Face with Sorath [Shells of Edom]
    II.   Dead Kings shall be known [Shells of Edom]
    III. Realm of Kingu [Shells of Edom]
    IV.  Baratchial [Shells of Edom]

    V.      Current 423 [Ho Ophis]
    VI.    Satanata [Ho Ophis]
    VII.  The Astral Projection [Ho Ophis]
    VII.  Chants of Chaos [Ho Ophis]
    VIII. The Black Serpent [Ho Ophis]