

Krebsbaracke was raised as a short lived collaboration of Nagelsturm members back in 2007. Intentionaly a Tribute to the mighty Abruptum! The Project- name comes from a poem by Gottfried Benn: "Mann und Frau gehen durch die Krebsbaracke".
We deceided to do this under another banner then Nagelsturm because it would never fit in the intentions and future plans we figured out for Nagelsturm back then, but soon created his own vibes of negation and decadence mirroring my passion back then.

One of the sessions we did with Krebsbaracke has remained in my personal archieve and in late 2012, my frst thought ´bout releasing this weird piece of Noise was based due to the strong impressions that remained from this time until now. We rehearsed in a workshop for motorcycles back then and in the beginning of the track you can still hear the sound from a saw for a few seconds. Primitive disgusted, chaotic and filled with a juvenile obsession I buried my usual lyrical conceptions and chosed a clear decleration for myself instead: "Adjutorium Nostrum In Nomine Domini Inferi" as the whole lyrics given to our sound, repeated over and over again while I was occusunately carved my skin with a blade in unwatched moments. "We gather here together in the the name of the master of Hell", that has been my thought and intention everytime my fellow musicians and I met working on our tunes and in a way my mind engulfed more in the essence of emptiness every week.

From the first moment on my opinion about the medium and form fitting to this echo from the past were clear. Only analog tapes and a complemental split partner for the track of 45 minutes could be acceptable so I remembered a orde mexico that was deeply influenced from the early Abruptum sound and the eminent chaos that had always been a source of outstanding morbid art in my mind:
Funereal Moon.

I contacted Impure Ehiyeh and sent him the track for the planned release, and I as he confirmed that Funereal Moon would take a part on this tape I was very satisfied. He did the cover art and the layout while I was looking for the right label and because I was satisfied with the collaborations with Vermin.d I had a conversation with Qliphot Records from Brazil again and he confirmed to release it in a quantity of 100 handnumbered tapes.

That´s the flyer we used before the launch of the tape:


  • Endless Darkness 

    Split with Funereal Moon (MEX)

     (Qliphot Records 2013; 100 Copies on Tape)


    I.   Hellgate [Funereal Moon]
    II.  Selfdestruction [Funereal Moon]
    III. Damnation [Funereal Moon]
    IV.  Pandemia [Funereal Moon]
    V.   Sickness [Funereal Moon]
    VI. The Way We Die [Funereal Moon]

    VII. Adjutorium Nostrum In Nomine Domini Inferi